Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance (GHIAA) Forum
2021-09-09 ~ 2021-09-09
March 2, 2022
Views 745
H2KOREA held the 'Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance (GHIAA) forum' on the 9th of September as part of the international forum in 'H2 Mobilty + Energy Show'.
GHIAA is an alliance of hydrogen industry associations from a total of 14 countries that will work together to strengthen global cooperation in the private sector.
There will be a declaration of the establishment of GHIAA, and the heads of each association will give presentations regarding free topics related to the hydrogen industry.
On behalf of H2KOREA, I hereby would like to invite you to this forum on/off-line.
It would be appreciated if you check the attached plan and let us know your presence by the 1st of September through the link below.
Registration Link :
*Physical attendance will be limited under 49 people or less due to COVID-19 prevention and control strategy by government.
In addition, for COVID-19 prevention and control, it is mandatory to pre-register all the participants through the link below if you would like to participate physically.
Pre-registration Link : 수소모빌리티+쇼 (
I hope you are well as the COVID-19 is getting harsh.
Please let us know if you have any related inquiries.
Attach file