(Korea H2 Business Summit) 2022 Investor Day
2022-07-06 ~ 2022-07-07
July 5, 2022
Views 1684
The Next Big Step in Korea’s Hydrogen Future
Korea H2 Business Summit’s first Investor Day is to take place on
July 6-7th 2022 @Dongdaemun Design Plaza(DDP) in Seoul, South Korea
to promote investment and expand networks in the global hydrogen economy.
Investor Day is a two-day platform sharing hydrogen-related visions and
investment plans to establish an agenda for business cooperation, such as
creating large-scale joint investments. As the hydrogen industry is still in its early
stage, uncertainty in demand and supply exists, thus requiring the stabilization
of the supply chain. Therefore, as leaders in the hydrogen economy, discussions
to minimize risks and ensure effective investment to secure the hydrogen
market are essential.
You will gain invaluable industry insights from our high-level guest speakers and
distinguished panelists. Also, you can sign up for 1-on-1 meeting session in the
networking booths of our 17 member companies who are leading hydrogen
economy in Korea. We believe having the opportunities to meet and connect
with local and global hydrogen stakeholders is crucial in facilitating hydrogen
ecosystem in the near future.
We look forward to your participation in this first bold step towards paving the
way for the future of the global hydrogen industry.
Investor Day Registration : http://koreah2businesssummit.net/en/sub/investor
Official webpage : http://koreah2businesssummit.net/en/index
Attach file
Investor Day 2022 Booklet Eng.png