Press Release

(OFFICIAL)The 2nd GHIAA General Meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium

November 4, 2022

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Press Release



2022. 10. 26.(Wed) 09:00

Department in charge

GHIAA Secretariat(H2KOREA)

H2KOREA held the 2nd GHIAA General Meeting in Brussels, Belgium

 The Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance(GHIAA) now has a total of 20 members including newly joined JH2A and HH2

 It Resolved 5 agendas including the Joint Statement for the COP27

 - The Chair, Jaedo Moon mentioned“GHIAA will take the lead in responding to the global energy and climate crisis”

□ The Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance (The Chair: Jaedo Moon, hereinafter referred to as GHIAA), which was launched in May to revitalize the global hydrogen economy and promote related industries, held the 2nd General Meeting in Brussels, Belgium on October 25th.

* GHIAA is an alliance between hydrogen industry associations representing major countries in Korea and established in May 2022 and has a total of 20 members.

□ The 2nd General Meeting was held with the participation of Representatives of hydrogen associations from each country online and offline, and five agendas were deliberated and resolved, including the adoption of the Joint Statement for the COP27 calling for actions to strengthen private-centered bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

□ The Japan Hydrogen Association(JH2A) and the Hungarian Hydrogen Technology Association(HH2) were noticed as new members in the meeting.

□ Also, the CEO of Hydrogen Europe, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis was appointed as one of the Vice-chair, which had been vacant since the establishment of GHIAA in May. Thereby, he will lead the GHIAA for two years together with the Chairman of H2KOREA(Korea, Chair) Jaedo Moon, and the President & CEO of FCHEA(USA, Vice-Chair) Frank Wolak.

□ In particular, GHIAA resolved the Joint Statement to emphasize the importance of hydrogen for enhancing energy security and the urgency of implementing a hydrogen economy to participating countries and related organizations and companies in the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP27) which will be held in Cairo, Egypt in November.

ㅇ In a joint statement, GHIAA emphasized that “the implementation of a hydrogen economy is essential not only to realize global carbon neutrality, but also to respond to the energy crisis caused by the current Russia-Ukraine war,”

ㅇ presented the hydrogen economy-related national activities of countries of 20 GHIAA members this year, and called for the prompt realization of a hydrogen society.

□ At the same time, GHIAA concluded to publish an Annual Report in February 2023 with the contents of the hydrogen-related policies and industry trends by countries.

□ The Chair of GHIAA Jaedo Moon referred “With the participation of the Japanese and Hungarian members and the election of Hydrogen Europe as one of the Vice-chair at the 2nd General Meeting, GHIAA has solidified its position as a cross-border private cooperation platform.”

ㅇ and he also emphasized that “GHIAA will take the lead in revitalizing the global hydrogen industry as well as creating national synergy effect by enhancing cooperation in the technology development, demonstration projects, and human resources between countries”

□ Meanwhile, GHIAA plans to hold the 3rd General Meeting on the occasion of the ‘2023 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Seminar(HFCS)’ to be held in California in February 2023.

Attach file

  • Press Release for the 2nd GHIAA General Meeting.pdf
